5/8/10 Couponing 101 in Mobile 10:00 a.m.
5/15/10 Couponing 101 Spanish Fort 9:00 a.m
5/22/10 Couponing 101 in Tuscaloosa 9:00 a.m.
Aubrey Nix (ESM) and Shannon Gunderson (BB) invite you to join them in learning how to coupon. Between the two, they have been featured on local channels CBS 5, FOX 10, & NBC 15, in the Mobile Press Register and Baldwin County Living Magazine. To date they have taught over 1000 people to coupon in coupon workshops. This isn’t your typical coupon class, once you leave you will know how to coupon strategically. Meaning you will save your family the MAXIMUM amount of money by using coupons combined with the best prices and knowing when to use which coupon. When the class ends the instructing isn’t over, they invite you to join them on their deal blogs where daily deals and weekly sale/coupon breakdowns are featured PLUS they offer after class on-call support. ESM & BB truly want you to succeed at couponing.
What’s Covered?
*Couponing Basics (includes terminology, finding coupons, organizing coupons, and using coupons to save big) This is the foundation.
*Publix 101
*Local Grocery Store Policies, including Target and WalMart
*Drugstores 101: CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid (Each participant receives a current take home drugstore game plan) Including: How to Roll.
*Saving Meat and Produce
*Stockpiling Basics
*Tips and Tricks
Cost of the class is $15 per person and INCLUDES supplies. You will receive a written game plan to earn your dollars back! Plus, take home materials to reference and direct contact information. We will guide you through as long as it takes. Attendees are just asked to bring a pen. Attendees are required to RSVP so that the appropriate number of materials can be available. Limited seating.
Consider hosting a class! Hostesses take BB and ESM classes FREE! Classes can be offered in your home, church, work or any place with enough room to seat group. Our workshops are 20+ people. We do offer smaller in home classes, please email for pricing and availability.
Want to know what makes Bargain Buggy and Eastern Shore Mom Couponing classes stand out from the rest? Take a look at what our attendees have to say!
Hey Shannon, I took the class last Saturday morning and it was worth every penny. I had read the blogs and figured out some on my own but once I took your class it was like the veil was lifted. I can now go back to the blog for a reference and understand clearly what I am reading now. So, I loved the class. I have paid for the class 100 time over with the saving that I have already gotten. I wrote on your Fb that I saved $76 dollars on my second trip after the class and saved $50 before the class. Thanks for all that ya’ll do! -Helen
Shannon and Aubrey,
I was at the class you taught at Moffett Road Baptist last Monday night, and just wanted to let you know how much I’ve appreciated all the information that you taught. I’ve been clipping coupons since last Christmas, but I feel like I’ve just now started “couponing”!! It’s like a whole other league out there! My friend Leslie and I drove over to Publix for the very first time on Saturday. We were there when the store opened, and had such a nice experience. Chris was even there bagging our groceries. But best of all, I spent $36 and saved $84!! And I bought meat! All thanks to you both. And even better than that, the policy change would only have made a difference of $5 for me on this trip. I was sad to hear that some people just can’t buy what they need for their families and have to be so greedy. Just really isn’t in the spirit of what we’re all trying to do.
Your class really opened my eyes about what is possible with coupons and how to “work” a deal. It’s no fun if you’re cheating the system. I love to know that I got such an awesome deal AND played by the rules. I found the most amazing asst manager at Walgreens at Schillinger and Cottage Hill. She is a couponer, too. I went last Wed (2 days after your class) to try my first “deal”. She walked me through rolling transactions, and her goal is to see you get as much as possible with as little out of pocket. I went back on Sunday morning to pick up some of the new weeks deals, and she was actually waiting on another “newbie” to walk them through the Zantac moneymaker. I think it made her proud to see me come in with my list, split my transactions, and “work it”! She wanted to add up my receipts right there to see how much OOP I had spent!

What you are doing is a service to the Mobile area. I mentioned your class in church on Sunday (since I was so excited about my Walgreens deal that I got on the way!) and I couldn’t believe how many other “fans” there were. People are excited to learn and hear what you have to offer. You both have a gift for this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing it with me. -Kathy
P.S. – I attached some pics of my “homework”. I’ve definitely made my 15 bucks back! (Publix – spent $36, saved $84; Walgreens – OOP $15, still have $25 in RR’s – MADE 10 bucks!) Thank you again!
Made my first trip yesterday after attending the class @ Beef’s SF……saved over $40 and had a great time shopping! The system works, thanks for the education ) – Pam
My daughter-in law attended your last class at Spanish Fort Beef’O’Bradys and is so proud. She has really starting to see the savings. She calls me after every shopping trip to tell me how much she saved. It was well worth the $15! -Linda
To schedule a class or to join a class email